Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Jeepney Joyride to Intramuros

We had a different travel experience to Intramuros thanks to Jeepney Tours. Good friend Ross Del Rosario of Wazzup Pilipinas invited me and some more bloggers to join this tour to the Walled City.

The air-conditioned jeepney arrived at the Hotel Intercontinental in Makati. Unlike the typical jeepney in which there are two long benches at each side, the interior of the jeepney of Jeepney Tours more looks like a bus, so I found more comfort in sitting than at the usual jeepney, especially when it's almost full.
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And what's so special is that it has a videoke set powered by Wow! Magic Sing, so while we were on the road to Intramuros, we tried if we can still belt it out.

I drew first blood in the singoffs by doing a sort of a post-hardcore version of Michelle Branch's "Breathe", which has become one of my favorite songs since I first heard of the song during my freshman days.
Me (L): "If I just BRREEATHE..." Oh wait!

I got addicted to videoke too much (for a night only), that I even did photobombs while singing.

Eventually, we made it to Intramuros, and guess who was there. Carlos Celdran!

Unfortunately, we took a different route than Carlos' group and had dinner at Barbara's, where aside from the buffet, a Filipiniana dance exhibition also took place.
We ended the night with another videoke session plus booze back to Makati. It was a wild videoke night inside the aircon jeepney. If you want to experience the fun, just log on to

All photos courtesy of Ross.

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